Support for Initial Investment Projects


To sustain economic development in Malta, Malta Enterprise launched an invest scheme for projects starting on or after 1st May 2022.


This scheme supports the setting up of new establishments, expansion of existing facilities and diversification of existing businesses through loan guarantees, interest rate subsidies, cash grants, and tax credits.


Projects that start on or after 1st May 2022 and finish by 31st December 2026 are eligible for this scheme. Applications are open until 30th September 2023, and approval of projects will be until 31st December 2023.


Eligibility for this scheme is based on initial investment projects or initial investment to stimulate new economic activities in sectors such as manufacturing, maintenance, information technology, hospitality, pharmaceuticals, and such. The full list of qualifying activities can be found here.



For an enterprise to be eligible for investment support, it must be operating from Malta and be incorporated in th European Union. Enterprises which are engaged or plan to be engaged in gambling activities or the provision of financial services are not eligible for the invest scheme.


Eligible projects for SMEs may consist of:
    1. Investment in tangible and intangible assets related to the setting up of new establishments, expansion of the existing establishments, and the diversification of business output.
    2. The acquisition of assets belonging to an establishment that has been closed down*.

*Subject to certain conditions.


Eligible projects for larger organizations may consist of:
    1. Initial investment to support new economic activity such as investment in tangible and intangible assets related to the setting up of new establishments or the diversification of business output.
    2. The acquisition of assets belonging to an establishment that has been closed down*.

*Subject to certain conditions.



Disclaimer: This article is purely informational and does not replace the formal guidelines enforced by the authorities.